November 27, 2017


The BLISS partners are:

The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ranks among France’s top five universities. Established in 1971, UCBL constitutes a multidisciplinary university, with research ranging from basic sciences, such as mathematics and theoretical physics, to applied research such as health and engineering. The research is conducted by more than 3,500 specialists (faculty members and research staff, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, engineers, technicians).
The computer science department of University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 leads the research and education in the field of ICT including Blockchain research and development. The three major computer science laboratories in Lyon are attached to this department. The laboratory of Data processing in Image and Information systems (LIRIS,<>) is a CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) computer science laboratory specialising in information systems and computer graphics. Several members of the department and this laboratory are involved in the development of blockchain applications and blockchain services. The Laboratory provides university and training programs in blockchain to meet up-to-date training needs of students and professionals in the field.
UCBL is coordinator of the BLISS project.

Business Training’s experience is built on solid ground. The Company has been providing cutting-edge ICT training sessions for about 20 years. Originally, Business Training specialized in IT technical and end-user trainings. A few years ago, our company widened the range of its training catalogue to also meet the increasing demand for best-of-breed management courses (PRINCE2®, IPMA, ITIL, ADKAR, etc.).

Currently, Business Training employs 50 persons, trainers courseware developers and consultants, in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Business Training is Q*For certified.


AICA is Italy’s most prominent association in the Information Technology field.  Founded in 1961, AICA is a non-profit organization aiming at the promotion and development of digital skills for all and IT competences for professionals.

AICA gathers and promotes cooperation between three main institutional stakeholders: education & research (i.e. universities, schools and scientific research centres which contribute to theoretic and methodological advancements in IT), IT Users (i.e. public and private organizations which exploit information technology), and IT Enterprises (I.e. industry manufacturers and providers of digital products and services).

AICA promotes:

  • IT professionalism by means of its annual Congress, its journal “Mondo digitale”, researches and projects at Italian, European and International level.
  • A comprehensive set of Competence frameworks and Certification Systems:
    • e-Citizen,
    • ECDL (the European Computer Driving Licence),
    • e-CFplus (an enriched version of the European e-Competence Framework), e4job and other professional qualifications.
  • The use of digital technologies in teaching and learning by means of the dedicated annual conference “Didamatica”, the Journal “Bricks”
  • Young talents in Informatics, through competition and prizes such as the Olympiad in Informatics, the Webtrotter contest, graduation awards, etc.

AICA is the Italian corresponding member of

  • CEPIS (the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies), which represents over 30 national Societies in Europe,
  • IFIP (the International Federation for Information Processing), which represents IT societies from 56 countries,
  • IT STAR (Regional ICT Association in Central, Eastern & Southern Europe), which comprises 19 national associations of ICT professionals,
  • the ECDL Foundation,
  • the European CIO Association,

ITPE (IT Professionalism Europe), a network of stakeholders interested in the growth of this profession

EXELIA is a Greek private company that specialises in developing educational and training games, and offers vocational training for social skills with innovative methodologies, focused on game-based learning.  Using ICT as an enabling factor for innovation in education, EXELIA develops advanced educational software and material such as MOOCs, Open Educational Resources (OERs) and game-based pedagogies.

The University of Tartu (UT,, located in the city of Tartu (second largest city in Estonia), is the most prestigious and comprehensive university in the country and one of the most respectable educational and research centres in Central an Eastern Europe. UT belongs to the top 2% of world’s best universities (QS World University Rankings 2016/17 & Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016-2017). Founded in 1632, UT is organised into four faculties (social sciences, art & humanities, science & technology, and medicine), which are the home of more than 14000 students and 1900 scientists and academic staff (including 1300 international students from 90 countries). On average, the University awards 100 PhD degrees and university researchers publish about 3000 scientific articles annually.

The Institute of Computer Science ( has a long-standing reputation of outstanding educational programs, enabling students to grow with and adapt to rapidly changing technologies. It is a research-oriented institution, comprising 6 scientific research groups, which are specialised in (i) data science, (ii) programming languages and systems, (iii) security and theoretical computer science, (iv) software engineering, (v) distributed systems, and (vi) natural language processing. Further, the Institute manages a portfolio of over around 130 courses covering the entire spectrum of computer science and information systems (e.g., software engineering, distributed systems, and security engineering). Overall, the institute’s mission is to prepare students to learn, discover, innovate, and apply new knowledge in computer science through a balanced program of cutting-edge research, effective teaching, and outreach and service.

Having direct academic and business collaboration with partners in 20 countries, TELESIG elaborates in the development and provision of ICT and e-learning solutions and consulting services in management and implementation of EU funded projects.